
Hey Wellington :)

Thanks for your comment.

Which version of the datepicker are you using? If you're using the version from my posts (I don't know which version that is because I don't have that app anymore), then I'd say it should be enough to set the date to the DateToText(CurrDate()) instead of "" on the point 3 on this post: https://vanessaesanto.medium.com/outsystems-implementing-the-date-picker-widget-in-mobile-and-reactive-apps-part-2-c75a7d0a9c36

If you're using the new datepicker from OutSystems UI 2.15.0 or OutSystems UI 2.16.0, then based on the oml from the forum link you shared, the action ResetOnClick should reset the Date local variable bound to the input widget and then we can use the OutSystems UI client action DatePickerUpdateDate to update the datepicker date. In this DatePickerUpdateDate action, the widget id bound to it should the the datepicker widget.

Does this help?

